Work Package No Deliverable Related No Deliverable No Deliverable Name Lead Beneficiary
WP2 D2.1 D4 Web based GIS platform GSH
WP2 D2.2 D5 Questionnaires IST
WP2 D2.3 D6 Report on the statistical analysis of the questionnaires IST
WP3 D3.1 D7 Visual quality assessment using AI GU
WP3 D3.2 D8 Digital Twins GSH
WP4 D4.1 D9 Sensitivity analysis report USE
WP4 D4.2 D10 Landscape Directives USE
WP5 D5.1 D11 Earth Observation analysis FORTH
WP5 D5.2 D12 Integrated Landscape catalogue UGent
WP6 D6.1 D13 Memorandum of Understandings between TOPIO and key stakeholders HSPN
WP6 D6.2 D14 Key results from the thematic workshops UNIROMA1
WP6 D6.3 D15 Presentations from the specialized lectures UNIROMA1
WP6 D6.4 D16 Summer schools key learning points UNIROMA1
WP7 D7.3 D19 TOPIO Conference Abstract proceedingss FORTH