The SCI IT6050028 Cairo Mount Massif (summit areas) belongs to the Mediterranean biogeographical region, occupies an area of 2,787 ha, and is located in central Italy, in the Province of Frosinone, involving the municipalities of Casalattico, Atina, Belmonte Castello, Terelle and Colle San Magno. The SCI does not fall within any other protected natural area. The site is of considerable historical and cultural interest. The whole area was a theatre of war with heavy bombings, such as those against the Abbey of Montecassino lying right in front of Cairo Mountain. The mountain slope itself lost the forest cover of the time entirely. The postwar land reclamation, reforestation, and the work of farmers to re-cultivate the land have made peace between man and nature. A participatory reforestation project is underway to sow pioneer tree and shrub plants of the central-southern Apennines and counter erosive processes that wash away the forest soil.

Objectives and expected activities: The Natura 2000 has a Management Plan that was prepared in 2006 and approved by the Regional Competent Authority in 2007. However, the state of knowledge of the area remains very poor from a landscape and biodiversity point of view. The Plan gives just an overview of the distribution, abundance and current state of conservation of the vegetation units, habitats and species of the area. A more comprehensive and integrated picture of the ecological and socio-economic processes of the area should be encouraged to support current and future restoration and conservation actions.